This invocation is from the Orphic Hymns, for those who like historical accuracy, but have been updated just a tad, for those who like ritual with modern applications.

Invocation to the Goddess

Divine are Your honors, Oh Mother of the Gods and Nurturer of All.
Yoke your swift chariot drawn by bull-slaying lions and,
O Mighty Goddess who brings things to pass, join our prayers.
Many named and reverend, You are the Queen of the Sky.
In the cosmos, Your throne is above all others, for You are Queen of the Earth,
and You give gentle nourishment to mortals.
Goddesses, Gods, and mortals were born of You,
And You hold sway over the rivers and all of the sea.
Hestia, Gaia, Demeter, Inanna, Isis, Astarte, Ishtar, Persephone, Diana,

Giver of prosperity who bestows upon mortals all manner of gifts,
Come to this Rite, Queen whom the drum delights.
Honored and loving Nurturer of Life,
Joyfully and graciously visit our deeds of piety.
Blessed Be.

This invocation is from the Orphic Hymns, for those who like historical accuracy, but have been updated just a tad, for those who like ritual with modern applications.

Invocation to the God

Hear Our Prayer, O best and Many-Named God.
Fine-haired, solitary, and full of lovely song;
Many shaped and noble nurturer of all,
Maiden and youth in one, unwithering bloom, O Adonis
You vanish and grow again in the fair seasons’ turn.
Kurnunnos, Pan, Myrddhn, two horned Spirit of growth and blooming;
Much loved and wept for are you,
O Fair and Youthful Hunter of the luxuriant mane.
Desire is in Your mind and You come to the Goddess in reverence and respect,
in sensuous joy is your desire fulfilled
You are the seed planted in the depths of the Underworld
That springs forth, the Green God, that we may sustain our lives.
You sacrifice Yourself in gentleness when you are grown.
Come Kind-Hearted One, Come Blessed God,
and bring much joy to all.

The Witches’ Rune:
by Doreen Valiente and Gerald Gardner

Darksome Night and Shining Moon, East and South and West and North,
Harken to the Witches’ Rune, Here we come to call thee forth!

Earth and Water nad Air and Fire, Wand and pentacle and sword,
Work ye unto our desire, Harken ye unto our word!

Cords and censer, cup and knife, Power of the Witches’ blade,
Wake all ye unto life, Come ye as the charm is made!

Queen of heaven, Queen of hell, Horned Hunter of the night-
Lend your power iunto the spell, And work our will by magick rite!

By all the power of land and Sea, By all the might of moon or Sun-
As we do will so mote it be, Chant the spell and be it done!

Today was a pretty good day, even if I have to go to work now. I took advantage of a lazy Sunday to take a long, vanilla creme scented bubble bath, have a spa day, and pamper myself a bit. Self-Care is a necessity that is often overlooked, and that was brought back into sharp focus for me recently. It is so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stresses of our lives, especially in harder times, and forget why any of it matters. If you let that happen, after a while – it doesn’t. We need to remember to take care of ourselves.

Maybe I’m talking about depression, but I really mean on a more basic level. If you’ve ever played The Sims, you can see how in the beginning, you are so busy trying to build the house, make enough money so that your sim can have a decent bed and bathroom, food in the house, and maybe a bit of entertainment. At the same time, you are trying to increase their skill level so that they can get a better job, don’t burn down the house while trying to cook dinner, and maybe afford a maid (because who has the time!). The next thing you know, they are throwing a sim fit and ranting about how they have no fun, or no social life, or are sleeping on the sidewalk, or wetting themselves in public. Maybe I just have terrible time management skills, or secretly enjoying watching them suffer their way to greatness, but really, don’t we all feel like that sometimes?