Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.

For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again.

Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady’s moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart’s desire seek.

Mabon History and Lore
by Mike Nichols

There were three men came out of the West,
Their fortunes for to try,
And these three men made a solemn vow,
John Barleycorn must die…

Despite the bad publicity generated by Thomas Tryon’s novel, Harvest Home is the pleasantest of holidays. Admittedly, it does involve the concept of sacrifice, but one that is symbolic only. The sacrifice is that of the spirit of vegetation, John Barleycorn. Occurring 1/4 of the year after Midsummer, Harvest Home represents mid-autumn, autumn’s height. It is also the Autumnal Equinox, one of the quarter days of the year, a Lesser Sabbat and a Low Holiday in modern Witchcraft. Technically, an equinox is an astronomical point and, due to the fact that the earth wobbles on its axis slightly (rather like a top that’s slowing down), the date may vary by a few days depending on the year. The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun crosses the equator on it’s apparent journey southward, and we experience a day and a night that are of equal duration. Up until Harvest Home, the hours of daylight have been greater than the hours from dusk to dawn. But from now on, the reverse holds true. Astrologers know this as the date on
which the sun enters the sign of Libra, the Balance (an appropriate symbol of a balanced day and night). This year (1988) it will occur at 2:29 pm CDT on September 22nd.

A Pagan Credo
by Sally Eaton

We worship the Great Goddess of Nature in all Her resplendent diversity. She is the Birthgiver: the origin of all life on this planet. Threefold are Her ways: Maiden, Mother, and Crone, for She is all Goddesses and all women. We honor Her everywhere: for She is everything; and in everyone: for She is all of us.

We worship the Horned One, Lord of Field and Forest. He is the wild and natural man in each of us: innocent, unfettered, and untamed. He is Lord both of Light and of Darkness: all Gods and all men. Our Lord is both Seed and Sower, Hunter and Prey; the eternal cycle of Sunlight and Shadow. We honor Him everywhere: for He is everything; and in everyone: for He is all of us.

Our Temple is a Sacred Space between the Worlds of Gods and Mortals. We worship in the Circle and in Nature: in our bodies, hearts, and minds. Our Gods are everywhere; but most of all they are within us. Therefore it is both our right and our sacred duty to discover and develop the Being within: for we may claim no greater Power than that of our own Higher Nature.

Our Goddess says: “If what you seek you do not find within yourself, you shall never find it! For behold: I have been with you from the beginning of Time and I am that which you shall embrace at the end of all your desire.”

We are a free people who dare to be Ourselves. To each of us is given the right to choose Good or Evil, Truth or Falsehood, Wisdom or Folly as our own understanding shall determine them. To each of us is given the responsibility for our choices: our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

“An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will,” is, and shall ever be, the greatest of all our Laws.

I confess. I have a serious pampering habit. [Come on, I know I’m not the only one…] An awesome, spa-like bathroom a la Candace Olson is top of my dream house must-haves. I have at least a half dozen bottles of bubble bath and an indeterminate number of lotions at all times. Also, myriad tubes of lip balm are always waiting to be discovered in purses, pockets and drawers. I think it’s an addiction.

[… Yet, I don’t really consider myself a girly-girl.]

As I am working overnight, tonight, I finally got back into the swing of bringing in food for night shift. This generally means, that the food must be of a sufficient quantity, that if you get hungry early in your shift, you won’t also be starving at 3am, even if you don’t end of eating it all. Secondly, you need to have enough of a variety that you can have a snack on hand, if your shift is extremely busy, or you just need something different, as vending possibilities are hit or miss, or occasionally non-existent.

Today, I have a nice mixed cold cut sandwich/sub on french bread, an orange, some funyuns (for crunch), and plenty of milk for my coffee. I am in heaven.

I love food. I love cooking. I love feeding people. I often treat cooking as another craft. A coworker asked for”healthy” peanut butter cookies for a pot luck on work last Friday, so I made them. I’ve never made peanut butter cookies. I don’t like peanut butter desserts/sweets (or peanut butter and chocolate together, for those ready to call me a philistine). However, I made peanut butter cookies.

{The consensus was not bad, but not like the crisco/butter/fat-laden renditions that most people grew up with.} The recipe had 2 Tbs of butter, natural peanut butter, whole wheat flour and a reduced amount of palm/coconut sugar. It’s not that I can’t cook the old-fashioned kind, but I am an insulin-dependent diabetic, and don’t actually have much of a sweet tooth. So, if I can fool you with caramel dripping sticky buns, made with splenda brown sugar instead of the real stuff, I probably will.

I think that’s why I am currently so interested soap and spa products that look like food. I still get to make yummy desserts with no temptation to eat them 🙂 In the meantime, my husband is suffering through my determination to practice my soap piping techniques with real frosting. He assures me that he is up to the job.

So, I am not a morning person at all. Occasionally, I have a string of 5:30am-2:00pm shifts at work. They are not my favorite, the only blessing is that they seem to go fast. In my opinion, 5am is a better time to go to sleep than to get up. this means that I can be grumpy or silly (or both).

I was thinking of my current product line this morning (and just realized that my scrub top was on inside out) and wondering if it was self-limiting or if I would get tired of it. I love the fairy tale and fantasy theme, and chose it because it suits me, but… Then, I figured I could make it work. I could always remake stuff I really liked; it didn’t have to always be the same, and I could always go back to my favorite book of all time Grimm’s Fairy Tales and find new inspiration, like….. “The Golden Ass.”

That was incredibly funny, so I had to share with DH. He was not as amused, but I couldn’t let it go. A little while later, I said, “Maybe, I could just make it for you.” Then a while after that, “I think it should have a crack in it.”

To which, he replied, emphatically, “You are not making Gold Ass soap.”

“It’s 5am. You can’t convince me of anything.”

by H.Ps. Phyllis W. Curott, J.D.

President Emerita, Covenant of the Goddess (COG). COG is one of the largest and oldest Wiccan religious organizations, with members in North America, Europe and Australia.

– Taken from A SourceBook for Earth’s Community of Religions

Wicca is a vital, contemporary spiritual path reviving the ancient, pre-Christian indigenous religion of Europe. It is a life-affirming Earth religion which is both old and new, “traditional,” and vibrantly creative. Wiccans experience the Divine as immanent, as embodied in the Universe, the world in all its aspects and in humanity, as well as transcendent. Therefore all of life is perceived as sacred and interconnected. Modern Wicca incorporates ancient and modern liturgy, ritual and shamanic practices by which people attune themselves to the natural rhythms of the Earth and the Universe, enabling them to experience communion with the embodied Divine. Wiccans honor nature as a profound spiritual teacher and devote themselves to the contemplation and integration of the spiritual wisdom inherent in the Earth’s cycles of seasonal transformation.

Thank you for visiting The Thorn Hedge. It’s a bit bare around here at the moment, because I recently changed hosting companies, but didn’t get everything backed up properly. I am working on getting stuff back up and taking this as an opportunity to spring clean and redesign. Now, if I could only remember all of the incredibly witty stuff that I said before. I’m sure it was brilliant and insightful, even if I can’t seem to remember any of it at the moment 🙂

So, welcome; have fun, and leave a comment or two to say hi! I look forward to getting to know you.