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“Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power.”

– Sigmund Freud

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The blog contains Lyssa’s musings on tarot cards, readings, and related topics

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Tarot Readings

Learn to Read Tarot Cards

Want to learn to read your cards for yourself? Just want to know what the cards can mean in a reading? This section is for you.


Musings on Tarot

My Tarot Collection
Cards & Decks

My Tarot Collection

I have a tarot problem 🙂 Between working with the American Tarot Association as a reader and web designer, and then being a member of the Aeclectic Tarot Forums, I have quite a collection of decks. Some are perennial favorites that I am always going to reach for, some are surprising new favorites, and a couple…

The Tower Comes to Life

The Tower Comes to Life

This card became a living reality for Americans and for the world on 11 September 2001. The towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the highest buildings in the city and the center of the finance community, were attacked and destroyed by terrorrists. The lesson of the Tower is that nothing is…

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Welcome to Thorn Hedge Tarot

When I started as a tarot reader, I had used the Tarot on and off for a few years, relying on intuition and accompanying texts to do my readings. I seemed to have a natural instinct and friends would hand me their decks to see what kind of result I would get. This is strange in hind-sight, because many people are very protective of their decks and don’t like others to handle them, unless that person is a querant in a reading.

I was often very correct in my assessments and readings. Perhaps, one of the reasons is that I knew that I didn’t approach the Tarot as fortune-telling, but rather a way to get deeper insight into the present influences of a situation. Recognizing these influences allows you to influence what the outcome might be. I understood what kind of tarot reader I wanted to be, and how I wanted to help others.

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