As part of the services offered at The Thorn Hedge, I offer readings to help you find answers to your questions about love, relationships, career and more. I also blog about tarot cards, decks, and related topics.

An Intrinsic Love for The Craft

Capturing the Magic in Daily Life

I’ve always had a love for magic and the ideas of divination, the sixth sense that warns our heroines of danger, or lets her know that THIS path is the ONE. Luckily, my family did one good thing, by encouraging this sense of whimsy, of fate, of magic, in me as a young child. It’s something that I have carried with me my whole life, no matter how ‘grown’ I get. Grimm’s Fairy Tales is still and will always be my favorite book, and favorite childhood gift.

I found my way to Wicca, Witchcraft and Divination around 1997. It was a tumultuous time of growing into a young adult, while trying to understand and navigate the world around me with empathy. I reached out for help and found magic reaching back. It was a true blessing to find my path in this world.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

– W.B Yeats

Admittedly, I am a nerd and will study anything I can get my hands on when it is related to my interests. Finding Witchcraft in the late 90s was no exception and happened to coincide with a boom of alternative publications. I bought my first Tarot deck at my local Hastings bookstore. I also discovered a community on the growing internet that was rare in the southern United States of the time.

I worked with everyone I could to develop my skills and my ability to articulate and share my gifts. As in introvert, that was probably the hardest part, having people suddenly approaching to ask for help, or to share their stories, and having to talk. I did eventually learn, and, today, even have a public facing day job.

There’s Magic in Those Cards

A Mystic Language That We Can Share With One Another

That first deck I bought was the Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck. Then, I was down the rabbit hole. I learned and grew my skills. I became a tarot reader and the webmaster for The American Tarot Association for a while and contributed deck reviews to Aeclectic Tarot. I collected way too many lovely decks and used them all. Mostly, I was happy to connect to other people and share my love of the tarot.

Of course, life is strange. Mine took a left turn for me, about fifteen years ago. I decided to go back to college, started a new career, and have moved back and forth across the country a couple of times. It is and has been rewarding but has also made sharing my other gifts a bit more difficult.

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.”

– J.K Rowling

In 2022, I bought my first house, started what I hope is my ‘forever’ job, and realized that, for maybe the first time in my life, I had planted roots. It was a little shocking, but in a very good way. Those roots also meant that I was ready to grow further and reach out a little more, and recapture something that I had been missing.

It’s an hour past midnight on the first day of 2023 as I write this page. I invite you to capture the magic of this moment, of your moment, and join me in a journey with the tarot. Wherever you may be on your path, perhaps I can be your companion or your guide.