
Major Arcana, No. 14
- Keywords
Upright: Balance, Patience, Inner Calm, Harmonious Relationships
Reversed: Imbalance, Extremes, Excess, Recklessness, Discord - Symbols
Upright Meanings:
Balance, Patience, Equilibrium, Search for Meaning, Steadiness, Moderation, Endurance, Control, Peace, Calm, Tranquility, Harmony, Serenity, Command
Reverse Meanings:
The Temperance tarot card is all about finding balance in your life. It’s the card of moderation, frugality, and management. When you see the Temperance card in a reading, it’s a sign that you need to step back and focus on creating more harmony. This can mean making small changes in your daily routine to create more time for yourself, or it may be something bigger like changing jobs. Whatever it is, the key is to find a middle ground that works for you. It’s time to avoid extremes and to focus on creating calm and harmony.