Page of Wands

Keywords: Outgoing, Cheerful, Creative, Confidence, Fun, Playful, Active, Optimistic, Full of Energy, Bright Ideas, New Exciting Plans, Creativity, Loveable, Charismatic, Free Thinking, Confident, Intelligent, Extroverted

Reading: The page brings youthful energy and optimism to the table. Watch for good news about a new opportunity or venture. Allow yourself to dream and take advantage of this energy and enthusiasm.

If you would like a more personal or extensive reading, please visit our shop at Thorn-Hedge Tarot to purchase your reading.

The original version of the Rider-Waite Tarot is in the public domain in all countries that have a copyright term of 70 years or fewer after the death of the last co-author. Other information and interpretatiions as presented are copyright 2024 The The Thorn Hedge.