7 chakra gemstone beads adorn the length of this sterling chain with lobster clasp. Now you can add the power of the chakras to any pendulum! Beads are configured top to bottom: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Turquoise, Sodalite, Amethyst. Clear Quartz Crystal bead divining fob.r r If you order the 7 chakra pendulum…
approx 1 inch diameter, 14 faced, gemstone moonstone pendulum with silver fittings, chain & anchor bead. Carved choku-rei reiki symbol on one stone face. Balancing, intuition,discernment. Feminine, lunar energy. Good for female reproductive system. Also has been used for protection during travel, especially on or over water, and to bring good fortune. It is prized…
Metals are often used for pendulums because of their ability to intertwine themselves with our energies. Metals don’t necessarily cleanse or protect as certain crystals do but instead hone in on how we’re feeling. This is useful for pendulums, as their main purpose is to help us answer our questions. When the metals hone into…
Carved stone, this faceted pendulum bob is inscribed with a silver pentagram and attached to a chain
7 Chakra Layered Stone Pendulum
Teardrop Stone Pendulum with rainbow/chakra chain