Higher Plane Talisman Pendant


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SKU: talisman-higher Category:


This talisman is for reaching higher states of consciousness. To make it work for you, sit down, hold it in your hands, and remember an experience in which you felt elevated spiritually. Try to remember the sensation as clearly as you can. When you feel you are remembering it as fully as you can, your talisman can begin to help you. It is made with medieval and renaissance designs that they intended to invoke spiritual power. The source of this power is always the person who is using it, so this talisman cannot work except through your conscious decision. Once you have put your own energy into this talisman, it has power of its own. Let it help you remember who you are and why you are on this physical plane.r
Pewter on black necklace cord. approx 1 inch diameter. Double sided design.