Prosperity and Abundance Spell


These kits are your key to unlocking your desires, one spell at a time.

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These kits are your key to unlocking your desires, one spell at a time.


– Small Bag that can be later used as a sachet bag
– 2 Herbs or flowers (chosen specifically to fit your kit’s intention)
– 3 Crystals (chosen specifically to fit your kit’s intention)
– Oil Blend (chosen specifically to fit your kit’s intention)
– Incense Stick (chosen specifically to fit your kit’s intention)
– Candle (Color Aligned with intent)
– Easy-to-follow, Step-by-step Instructions, instructions to help you make the most of your spell kit.

Each spell kit is curated individually with intuition and care. As with any spiritual and magical items, we supply the tools and information and you supply the energy. Your results depend on you as well.

For legal reasons please note: All herbs/magic sold on this site are provided as curios only. We make no claims as to their properties or suitability. We are not medical professionals, and we do not recommend ingesting or using for any medicinal purpose. Please seek appropriate medical/legal advice where needed.