I do not claim to be any expert at any tradition or history, but I am offering this information, as I have found it. Feel free to comment or contribute, if this coincides with your area of interest or practice.
Celtic | Norse | Egyptian | Sumerian
Rhiannon – Enchantments, fertility, the Underworld
Manawydden – A shape shifting sea god
Morrigan – Goddess of War and Death
Maeve – physical sexuality, fertility, revenge and war
Math Mathonwy – God of sorcery, magick, enchantment
This is always a difficult one to explain, especially over the internet, but being able to use and manipulate energy is an absolute cornerstone of powering a spell. Energy has to come from somewhere. When you light a campfire, a spark is added to wood, the wood is consumed and in return you get light,…
Sympathetic magic can also be referred to as representational magic. It is basically, using one thing in place of another, or as a representation of the target of your magic. Poppets are a sympathetic representation of a person. Candles are a representation of the element of fire. It is like a shorthand of our magical…
Numerology is another good foundational subject. This is starting information for spellwork, tarot, and other divination. You may have a slightly different perspective on some of the numbers, but this gives you a place to start exploring that. Do you have a favorite number? Do you notice number patterns in your life – either recurring…
Every so often, I get the urge to reread my favorite books. Usually, it’s when I am in a more proactive, but reflective time in my life. These are my two go to choices:
I don’t consider myself an expert on what is or what isn’t Wicca or what you should or shouldn’t do in your own practice. I do however consider myself to be Wiccan, though of a solitary, eclectic slant, and have since 1997. I am constantly examining my beliefs and practices, and really believe that is…
So, I am a Gemini with ADHD, and as such, am the Queen of Random Thoughts. I was thinking of different spell categories and how we break them down to their bases to differentiate or compare them. So welcome to another one of my lists.