These symbols can be very useful in creating spells, bindrunes and sigils. You can also use them in your journalling or other spell creation. You can even use them to study (print out the astrological signs – make sure you can recognize them, and then list some of the facts that you remember [dates, color, ruler, etc]).

This post is a work in progress, and probably always will be. It serves as an index of symbols and ideas that you can use in your magic and your book of shadows that serve as a sort of short hand that has been developed from astrology and alchemy and modern Wicca, You can use it as a starting point for your own book of shadows, and I will add to it, as I think of new sections.

Sympathetic magic can also be referred to as representational magic. It is basically, using one thing in place of another, or as a representation of the target of your magic. Poppets are a sympathetic representation of a person. Candles are a representation of the element of fire. It is like a shorthand of our magical intent, using representations of the energies and targets of our spells.

There are many symbols which can be made or used to symbolize your target or intent in magic. These could be as simple as sketching a rune on a candle, or creating a bindrune, or using an image of a shield in a protection working. You might create a money bowl to draw money, using currency bills and coins, herbs that represent abundance and prosperity, a drawing oil with gold flakes in it. These are all symbols of the magic that you want to manifest.

First a disclaimer: Nothing is required in Witchcraft. You don’t need big extensive piles of supplies or tools, you just need (to be) a witch. That being said, physical representations of your intent can help aid you in your magic. That doesn’t mean that you should go out and spend $$$ on witchcraft tools and supplies. It means you look around and find those symbols, those associations, that mean something to you and help you to accomplish your goals. You use only what you find you need to make your magic work.

Numerology is another good foundational subject. This is starting information for spellwork, tarot, and other divination. You may have a slightly different perspective on some of the numbers, but this gives you a place to start exploring that. Do you have a favorite number? Do you notice number patterns in your life – either recurring numbers or numbers that just seem ‘cool’?

While I will sometimes use numerology, for me it is an ancillary system, to be used in conjuction with other information. I notice patterns a lot, because that’s how my brain works, but primarily I use numerology to help me understand the tarot.

Most numerology has you reducing a quantity to its base number – adding its digits together over and over until you get a single digit or one of the ‘special’ numbers. Example: April 12, 2023 = 4+12+2023 → 4+1+2+2+0+2+3 → 14 → 1+4 = 5

Color correspondences are very good foundational knowledge. This is starting information for Candle Magic, Chakra Work, Stones, and more. You may have a slightly different perspective on some of the colors, but this gives you a place to start exploring that. What colors are your favorite? Least favorite? Why? What do these colors traditionally represent?

That being said, these are correspondences that I am comfortable with, but are influenced by my personal beliefs and my culture in North America/the US (such as money magic being green, but is also prosperity, as it is the color of new growth).