30 Study Topics For Beginner (or Any) Witch to Research

This is only an overview, and a place to get started. Let it spark your research. I often will take a moon cycle to do an in depth study of a topic (ie. chakras) and see where is takes me. No topic is in isolation. Chakras, for example, link to color magic, energy work, meditation, healing, yoga, Eastern philosophy. Maybe it will lead you to your next topic, maybe you’ll go back to the list and decide to study something else, like Tarot, next. One thing that I truly believe is that Witchcraft makes students of us all. We learn about ourselves and the world around us as we study esoteric topics.

Numerology is another good foundational subject. This is starting information for spellwork, tarot, and other divination. You may have a slightly different perspective on some of the numbers, but this gives you a place to start exploring that. Do you have a favorite number? Do you notice number patterns in your life – either recurring numbers or numbers that just seem ‘cool’?

While I will sometimes use numerology, for me it is an ancillary system, to be used in conjuction with other information. I notice patterns a lot, because that’s how my brain works, but primarily I use numerology to help me understand the tarot.

Most numerology has you reducing a quantity to its base number – adding its digits together over and over until you get a single digit or one of the ‘special’ numbers. Example: April 12, 2023 = 4+12+2023 → 4+1+2+2+0+2+3 → 14 → 1+4 = 5