Let’s Go a-Maying
Youth and joy abound. We have spent, not just the last six months but, the last two years under cover, behind closed doors as we waited out the pandemic of COVID-19.
Happy Beltaine!
Thank you so much for supporting our small business. Bright Blessings for a wonderful 2024! Dismiss
30 Study Topics For Beginner (or Any) Witch to Research This is only an overview, and a place to get started. Let it spark your research. I often will take a moon cycle to do an in depth study of a topic (ie. chakras) and see where is takes me. No topic is in isolation….
The days are starting to get warmer, hovering above freezing at their lowest, and hinting at warm spring days are their highest, even here in northern Oregon. The first flowers of spring are slowly showing their faces and the grass is slowly regaining its rich green presence.
The New Moon is tomorrow, Sunday 25 Sep 22, and while the day of celebration for Mabon was officially the 22 of September, I am going to take advantage of the energy of the season (and my day off of work) and celebrate the equinox as well. The focus of these celebrations is my new…
May Day or Beltane, while it may be translated to other cultures or traditions is based on Celtic history and traditions. In Celtic tradition, the two greatest festivals of the solar year are Samhain and Beltane, celebrations of death and rebirth, respectively. Love is in the air at Beltane. In traditional (Celtic) Wiccan rituals, we…
has gone Rose Red for May Day. I have been wanting to update our site and design for a while. I’ve slowly been plugging along with my previous design, and while it worked, it didn’t quite represent what I wanted for us. I’ve been playing at this one for two days pretty much straight through,…
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