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Merry Mabon

The New Moon is tomorrow, Sunday 25 Sep 22, and while the day of celebration for Mabon was officially the 22 of September, I am going to take advantage of the energy of the season (and my day off of work) and celebrate the equinox as well. The focus of these celebrations is my new home! We bought the house last month, and have been in it for one full lunar cycle, not I am going to do a major cleansing and home and hearth blessing. Big energies happening!

At the time we were moving into the house, there was already a lovely fire pit area with seating in the back yard. It was lined with gravel and had a fire circle lined with rocks. I had planned to find a fire ring for safety, but the end of summer sales meant I found a beautiful outdoor fire pit to sit in the area. That means we can have a lovely cleansing and heating(!) ritual fire.

We are not fully moved into the house, since a lot of our stuff is still in storage, but it is beginning to feel like home. That means it is a great time to do a major cleaning, organize what we do have there, and lay out foundations for the energy of the house. I am also going to set wards and protection charms more fully into the boundaries of the property.

I’m going to do a little outdoor housekeeping, like cleaning up the yards and outdoor areas. I am going to put away the sprinklers for the year, before they freeze. It is time to begin to prepare for Winter as Persephone once again descends to the Underworld to live with her husband, Hades.

Then, I am going to make a nice meal, and celebrate how grateful and blessed we are for the opportunities we have had come into our lives. I love my new job and my new home. I am thankful that Leland made it through his recent health scare and is still with me. Baked cinnamon apples will be the centerpiece of our dessert, and probably some gluten-free zucchini bread to represent the harvest. There will likely be apple cider, since I am allergic to Dionysus’ grapes 🙂

With full bellies,  cheery countenances, a warm fire and a welcoming home, we will begin to settle into our bones for the approaching cold season with love and gratitude for our many blessings.

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