Childish (and possibly offensive) humor @ 5am

So, I am not a morning person at all. Occasionally, I have a string of 5:30am-2:00pm shifts at work. They are not my favorite, the only blessing is that they seem to go fast. In my opinion, 5am is a better time to go to sleep than to get up. this means that I can be grumpy or silly (or both).

I was thinking of my current product line this morning (and just realized that my scrub top was on inside out) and wondering if it was self-limiting or if I would get tired of it. I love the fairy tale and fantasy theme, and chose it because it suits me, but… Then, I figured I could make it work. I could always remake stuff I really liked; it didn’t have to always be the same, and I could always go back to my favorite book of all time Grimm’s Fairy Tales and find new inspiration, like….. “The Golden Ass.”

That was incredibly funny, so I had to share with DH. He was not as amused, but I couldn’t let it go. A little while later, I said, “Maybe, I could just make it for you.” Then a while after that, “I think it should have a crack in it.”

To which, he replied, emphatically, “You are not making Gold Ass soap.”

“It’s 5am. You can’t convince me of anything.”

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